
Hukum 1 : 5

Beberapa hari yang lalu saya mengikuti sebuah workshop bertajuk “Emotion for Success” yang diadakan oleh SHIFTHINK.
It was a GREAT workshop.
Selain karena materinya memang OK banget, juga karena pembicara alias trainernya, Pak Josua Iwan Wahyudi, membawakan materi dengan cara yang menyenangkan dan nggak bikin bosan.
Dalam salah satu sesinya, dibahas mengenai hukum 1 : 5.
Menurut hukum tersebut, ketika kita melakukan sesuatu yang bikin “kesel” orang lain sebanyak 1 kali, maka kita harus melakukan sesuatu yang bikin orang itu “seneng” (dengan kadar yang sama) sebanyak 5 kali untuk membuat perasaan orang itu terhadap kita menjadi netral.
Jadi, misalnya kita bikin kesel orang gara-gara kita telat sebanyak 1 kali, maka kita perlu bikin seneng orang itu dengan cara datang lebih awal sebanyak 5 kali. Baru perasaan orang tersebut terhadap kita menjadi netral.
Pas denger (dan kemudian baca di bukunya yang berjudul “Emotion for Success”, saya langsung aja ‘ngeh’.
Jadi inget pengalaman-pengalaman sebelumnya.
Pantes aja, ketika ada orang bikin kesel saya, walaupun orang itu kemudian berbuat hal yang baik terhadap saya, saya masih aja kesel dan susah untuk nginget-nginget kebaikannya.
Ternyata karena dia bikin salah satu kali dan kemudian setelah bikin baik dua atau tiga kali, dia bikin salah lagi.
Masuk akal…
Karenanya, mulai saat ini saya musti harus kudu lebih hati-hati dalam bertindak dan bertingkah laku ni.
Khan hukumnya 1 : 5….

Masih banyak lagi yang saya dapat dari workshop “Emotion for Success” dan tentunya akan disharingkan di posting-posting berikutnya.
Sesuai judul blog ini, Think and Share, I will share everything in my mind.
So, happy reading.


Stop Texting while Driving

Pagi hari yang sungguh menyenangkan

Dimulai dengan bangun pagi tanpa rasa kantuk dan malas

Mandi pagi dan nonton tv

Ganti-ganti channel dan akhirnya berhenti di channel yang lagi nayangin acaranya Oprah Winfrey

Ternyata di Oprah Show, sedang ada campaign STOP TEXTING while DRIVING alias stop sms-an ketika sedang nyetir

Dikisahkan di acara itu ada seorang istri yang harus kehilangan suaminya (ceritanya suaminya baik hati dan sangat berarti bagi kehidupan sekitar) karena suaminya yang sedang naik sepeda meninggak gara-gara ditabrak pengemudi yang lagi nyetir sambil sms-an

So sad....

Yang lebih bikin mengharu biru lagi, saat istrinya bilang : "Memang si pengemudi akhirnya dihukum 5 tahun penjara, tapi itu nggak bisa membuat suami saya hidup lagi"


Denger kalimat itu, langsung saja jari2 ini tergerak untuk menulis tentang gerakan ini

So, please stop texting (and make a phone call) while you are driving

Appreciate lives....

Kembali ke LAPTOP

Kembali ke…laptop (baru)
Akhirnya setelah hampir 1 minggu merana karena laptop tersayang RUSAK
Kehidupan normal telah kembali
Laptop baru, euy….
Baru terasa bahwa tingkat ketergantunganku terhadap laptop begitu tinggi
Gawat juga sih
Tapi bagaimana lagi ya…
Laptop bener-bener dibutuhkan untuk mengerjakan tugas kuliah, mengerjakan pekerjaan sampingan, nulis di blog, plus ngelarin kerjaan kantor yang makin lama makin seabreg aja…
Proses pemilihan laptop cukup singkat (nggak kayak pemilu yang lama banget proses penghitungan suaranya, heehhehehehe)
Setelah menimbang-nimbang mau membeli netbook dengan alas an kecil dan gampang dibawa kemana-mana serta harga yang ekonomis,
Ternyata pilihan tetap kembali ke laptop a.k.a notebook 14”
Atas pertimbangan salah satu teman yang ahli di bidang komputer, kalau netbook memang lebih cocok dipakai sebagai secondary saja
Secara netbook kecil, kalau buat gue yang hampir seharian di depan layar kerja, kalo pake netbook, dijamin mata pasti nggak kuat
Belum lagi kerjaan2 untuk ngedit2 gambar pake Corel or Photoshop juga
Trus satu lagi yang penting, layar kecil kalo buat nonton DVD pasti nggak enak banget
Akhirnya, setelah diputuskan membeli laptop, tinggal mencari laptop yang sesuai dengan kantong
Dan atas saran teman yang ahli tersebut, laptop merk Axioo ternyata tetap menjadi pilihan
Harga yang ekonomis, itu yang paling penting
Maka, secara resmi saya nyatakan laptop Axioo MNV P.315 mulai beroperasi tanggal 22 September 2010…..
Dan, marilah kita semua kembali ke….LAPTOP…


Why Do People Write?

Spending the holiday at home
Doing nothing but sleeping, eating, watching TV, playing games, and (off course) writing
One question just popped up in my head
Why do people write?
Since I've visited many blogs
People are writing so many things with different topics
Some people wrote about their daily lives
Some people wrote about their jobs
Some others wrote about their children
And there're still so many variety of topics
Actually, why do people write?
Is it because of something we called "actualization"
They want to be known.
Or is it just because they want to express their feeling?
Because it seems that today it's very difficult to find someone who can listen and understand what we are saying
Whatever the reasons people write, I think I have to say thanks to the blog maker
I have to admit, reading blogs are fun
And writing is fun also...
So, people.....happy writing.....express your feeling....


It's Officially (Broken) Now....Hiks...

Finally, after more than 5 years I used it
my beloved laptop (officially) broken
Kinda sad
But actually I've been thinking to bought the new one
Since this laptop has been helping me for for than 5 years
And after being formatted for 2 times
Being infected with viruses for more than 3 times
Now, it's officially broken
The operating system didn't work
Well, actually I'm still hoping that it still can work for a few weeks
Because I still don't have time to buy the new one
But maybe, it's already the time
Have to let go something that already not ours, huh.....
(ups...koq jadi kayak curcol nih....hehehhehe)


That Feeling....(again)

That feeling came again
One name, one word (hm...one sentence maybe)
Make the heart felt that feeling again
Thought it's over
Thought it's end
Thought I've deal with it
Had to deal with it again
It's so ..............

gambar dari sini


Free Movies Online: A Perfect Choice to Spend Your Holiday With

Holiday is coming
Every one is going back to their home town a.k.a "MUDIK"
Well, for those who don't have the chance to go anywhere, it must be a boring day to be passed if we don't have anything to do.
You might want to consider this choice, watching free movies online...!!!
This website offers you many movies from different years and different genres
And the most important thing is, IT'S FREE.
That's why it called FREE MOVIES ONLINE
Everybody LOVES something free, right.
From all movies offered in the site, I choose this one
SALT by Angelina Jolie
I saw the cover and I didn't notice that it's Jolie
She looked so different in this cover
The story was so exciting and unpredictable
Many times I got wrong prediction
The script writter surely know how to write a good story, huh.
The action was so cool and amazing
Jolie played as Salt very well
I think words cannot describe more about this movie
Better visit the site and download it to watch the free movie online.
Have a nice holiday and enjoy the movies.


Between Women and Hairs

What women want?
That's Mel Gibson's question in one of his movie titled the same.
Hm.....kinda tricky question, huh....
Some people says, women want to look beautiful.
They will do anything to make their appearance magnificant
One of it is doing something with their hair.
I do think that hair is one thing that can make women feel confident.
Without any offense, no matter how high your self-confidence is, you will not feel comfortable if you have not so good hair condition
They even have a term about it, which is bad hair day
Well, if you care about your hair, you might want to try visit this site.
It can give you some opinion and choices about your hair treatment
And one more advice, no matter how desperate you are about your hair condition, don't you ever try to do something like this woman did in the picture *just kidding*

So, have a nice trip visiting this site and enjoy doing experiment with your hair.

note: picture taken from this site


Blogspot VS Wordpress

My company decided to make a website
And because it's still a trial project, we decided to use free domain.
Well, I am familiar with blogspot
That's why I suggest to use blogspot and then I made it.
My colleague has another opinion
He said that blogspot is usually being used by personal
And for company or institution, usually people choose wordpress.
Because the layout is more formal
(He also say that it's better if I don't put the widget such as feeding animal or chat box (like the one I used in the blog. :))
After I saw the site he made by using wordpress, I agree that we will use wordpress instead of blogspot.
May be it's not because wordpress is better than blogspot,
it's just because he made the site better than me
But then, after few days, a problem came up
When I upload a picture/photo, there will be some commercial / advertisement from Google or other link.
We (me and my partner) don't know why
In my experiences using blogspot, it never happen
Since I never use wordpress, I don't know how to handle this.
So, until now, we still confuse which one to use.
Any suggestion anyone???


VLC Media Player...Love it....

I love watching movie.
Especially the free movies (who don't, huh??? :p)
To get the free movies, usually I browse the Internet and download it.
Youtube is one of my favourite web to look for movies.
After search the movie on youtube, I will use keepvid or Internet Download Manager to get the movies.
Usually the format offered by keepvid is more than one.
So, I can use which format suit to my laptop

Well, refer to my title, VLC Media Player...Love it.... I love to use VLC media player to play the movies I've downloaded before.
Because it supports all format.
I can use it to watch any format of movies.
One more about it.
The application is not too heavy like the other application.
It's also simple.
So, when it come to choose media player, VLC is my choice.....
Want to try? Just click vlc player download and download it.

*picture is taken from this site*

Dog's Name

Dogs are men best friends.
Dog's loyalty is the characteristic that people admire.
It is also the reason why they said dogs are men best friends
Many people threat their dog as their baby
And off course they try to find special name for their dogs.
In this website, you can find many names you can use for your dogs
No matter what kind of dogs you have, you can always find many interesting name in this site.
The one that capture my attention most is the couple dogs name from Cute Couple Pet Names.
So interesting
From Yogi & Boboo to Abbot & Castello.
They even put Summer and Autumn there
I wonder why don't they put Spring and Fall
Hehehee...just a question that spontaneously occur
Anyway, I think I will add one more cute couple pet names in the list
That is "Browny and Choco"
It's for the dogs above.
Aren't they so cute???

Happy 100th Posting

This is the 100th post
So excited to write
Actually I want this 100th post is special
And trying to find a unique topic since it's special post
But then I realized, it doesn't need to be the special and unique post to celebrate it
The most important is the sincerity (and simplicity)
So, let this 100th post is as simple as it can
(even though maybe writing in English will not make it too simple, huh??? *blink*)
Still I consider this one as a sincere post
Without any tendency
Without any commercial
Just want to write and express how HAPPY I am
Just want to share how excited I am

So, I want to say to my self one more time:


ups...almost forgot, the picture (and almost all pictures in my blow) is taken from www.gettyimages.com


Google Page Rank 1

I was so happy.
Kemaren, nggak ada hujan, nggak ada angin, tiba-tiba hati ini penasaran ingin nge-check page rank di Google.
Nggak ada alasan khusus, nggak ada harapan khusus karena udah agak lama nggak posting dan terakhir kali PR turun dari O ke N/A
Maka dengan tanpa pengharapan khusus, gua check berapa peringkat blog ini
Dan begitu keluar hasilnya.....
Ingin rasanya melompat kegirangan
Karena angka di tool bar PR Google menunjukkan angka 1
Ya, angka SATU
Baru satu memang
Tapi sungguh membuat hati ini bergembira dan bersuka ria
Nggak tau kenapa koq mbah Google berbaik hati memberikan angka 1 untuk blog ini
Setelah sebelumnya dengan kejam tulisan N/A yang tampil di layar
Mungkin karena lagi bulan puasa kali ya, jadi banyak berbuat amal
Hahahhahahaha (nggak ada hubungannya ya..... :)
Yang pasti itu bikin tambah rajin deh
Tambah rajin posting
Tambah rajin cari job di microworkers
Tambah rajin BeWe, ke blognya pakde, ke blognya mas Goen, ke peternakannya Fanny, ke rumahnya mbak Enno, ke tempatnya Hendriawanz, dan macem2 lagi deh. (maunya ke rumah first followerku, tapi koq error ya alamatnya, apa sudah pindah 'rumah' dia?)

Thank you mbah Google....